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“It’s a little bit by accident that we are based in Switzerland,” Wurzbacher told me. He and Gebald both grew up in Germany and met as undergraduates at E.T.H. Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. “We met on Day 1, on the 20th of October of 2003,” Gebald recalled. “And on Day 1 we decided that we’d have a company.” Their aspiration was to be entrepreneurs, not to start a carbon-capture firm, but both men were drawn to research on renewable energy and reducing emissions. After they completed their master’s projects, they decided to create a direct-air-capture prototype and go into business. Both took the title of company director. Helped by a number of small grants, Climeworks was incorporated in 2009.

Hughes ran into Granville Humason in a Shreveport bar one evening in 1908. Humason had tried unsuccessfully to sell his bit design to drillers. He showed Hughes a wooden model made with spools.

Since the outer tubes are smooth and flush along the entire length of the drillstring, it is almost impossible for jamming to occur. Practical experience with coprod has been exceptionally good. The method gives good overall economy, particularly in large-scale production drilling and drilling in broken rock or other demanding rock conditions.

Worldwide 1 in 3 males are circumcised [1, 2], totaling an estimated 1.2 billion [2]. In the USA, medical MC is performed on 1.2 million newborns (56% of baby boys) in community hospitals annually [3, 4]. The true number is higher because some boys are circumcised in ambulatory facilities, a physician’s clinic or in a private home. In other developed countries infancy is also the most common time for performing MC, whereas in non-Muslim developing countries MC is usually part of coming-of-age ceremonies where risks are usually greater [5]. The largest number of circumcised males are Muslims (approx. 70% of circumcised males globally) [1].

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While these various psychological problems should be mitigated by making MC normative in a community, just as with most fears and anxieties, the prospect of such concerns would be largely eliminated if MC were performed in infancy.

Unlike the convenience of circumcising a baby that sleeps most of the time and is a dependent in society, circumcision during productive work or school years will typically require taking time off, although the amount of time off required is typically small. In one study of men circumcised with the Shang Ring device, men took an average of 1.1 days off work; 80% were back at work by day 2, with only 20% requiring more than 2 days, and little disruption to activities or discomfort was reported for the week the ring was in place [121]. Eighteen percent of men in the study reported disruption to their work while the device was present, and 30% had not resumed routine leisure activities by 7 days. In the large Kenyan RCT, only 4% of men required 3 days or more before they could return to normal activities [57]. In a study of childhood MC, median times of 5 days to return to normal activity and 7 to return to school have been reported [182]. This may have been because children are usually more active than adults, thus increasing the chances of injury and so prolonging the healing period.

There is some concern about risk-compensation (the tendency to stop using condoms and increase the number of sexual partners) following MC, although in most studies in which men were counseled this was not seen [179, 180]. It has been suggested that neonatal MC may reduce the chances of a change in behavior due to circumcision status, as the male will not perceive any change in risk compared to what might transpire if the circumcision had taken place at an age when he might be sexually active [181].

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The crime triggered in Melbourne horror and grief. More than 1000 people, most of them women, took part on Friday in a memorial service on the steps of the Parliament building. A flower-filled tram drove along the route that had taken the victim on his way home.

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TV, smartphones, casques, imprimantes, bracelets connectés, ordinateurs, vélos électriques, aspis-robots, tablettes… Le labo et les quelque 40 membres de la rédaction des Numériques testent avec passion et rigueur plus d’une centaine de produits chaque mois.

- The plant throughput is expected to decline as the oxide ore blend is expected to reduce from approximately 80% in 2018 to 60%, with the remainder of the feed comprised of fresh and transitional ore.

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