As shown in Appendix 3, the variance in P&P reserves and M&I resources compared to the previous year corresponds to mining depletion and a decreased for the GG2 and Kao Main deposits, following changes in estimation parameters, which was partially offset by the addition of M&I resources and P&P reserves at the Yabongso deposit.
Sportsmail’s verdict: 5th – the Tigers have got to miss out on the top four one year, and with half of their stellar backline off on international duty for large parts of the season, this could be another year of transition. Cue a knowing shrug from the Edinburgh director of rugby if they do not make the playoffs…
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Operating Cash Flow Per Share is a NON-GAAP measure. For a discussion regarding the company’s use of NON-GAAP Measures, please see "note regarding certain measures of performance" in the MD&A.
Maybe itâs time for liquor rules and regulations to be more liberal because the digital audience will anyway find its way.
2015 Topps Football hobby boxes promise one autograph or memorabilia card. Jumbo boxes have two autographs and an exclusive Rookie Patch card.
“So far registering as non-ferrous,” responds Gary. But when Marty sinks the heavy equipment claw into the spot Gary’s found, and says, “what’s this?”
Their current study not only shows well-known faults and volcanic dykes. The scientists also found a previously unknown fault, below the ground surface. Furthermore, the team measured subsurface deformation taking place over a period of several minutes. Small local earthquakes, waves originating from large distant quakes, and microseism of the ocean floor were also recorded via fibre-optic cable. "We only need one strand of a modern fibre-optic line," says Charlotte Krawczyk, Director of GFZ’s Geophysics Department.
Emma Bowden A man narrowly avoided being crushed by falling bricks from a collapsing building during the weekend’s strong winds.
Receivables were a 2018 outflow of $5 million. The 2018 outflow primarily related to an increase in VAT receivables at the Burkina Faso mine sites (Karma and Hounde) of $5 million and the recognition of $9 million for the current portion of the Tabakoto sale receivable. This was offset partly by a reduction in other receivable balances during the year across the Corporation. Inventories were a 2018 outflow of $17 million relating primarily to a build up of stockpiles at Hounde which totalled $29 million at year end. This was offset by a decrease at Ity where mining operations is winding down, as well as Karma where inventory levels are being reduced to optimised levels. Prepayments are a 2018 $5 million inflow due to a prepayment for strategic spares at Hounde that was in place at year end 2017. These were received in 2018 and are accounted for as part of consumable inventory.Trade and other payables are a $7 million inflow 2018. At year end there was a $12 million outflow at Karma due to a change in supplier terms from last year and $13 million outflow in payables at Agbaou which was the result of the site having a logistical issue in paying a key supplier in the prior period. This was offset against an inflow in trade payables of $22 million across Ity and Hounde.
Two officers from Spain’s Guardia Civilstand next to a heart-shaped banner where two-year-old Julen fell into a deep well. Photograph: Reuters/Jon Nazca
The most significant find has been the possible remains of one of five reported stone box drains which some think were used to booby trap the Money Pit with seawater.
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