“We are pleased with the robustness of our business model and the strong operating margin delivered by the group,said Mr Purcell.
- Growth project for 2018 was comprised mainly of: $235m for the Ity CIL project, $13m on TSF construction and other at Hounde, $11m on Kalana, $7m on aviation equipment purchased to reduce travel costs and improve efficiency
The 2018 exploration program mainly focused on delineating the potential at Endeavour’s two flagship mines (Hounde and Ity) and on developing Endeavour’s organic growth potential (Kalana, Fetekro, and other greenfield properties).
Woskov laughs when he reveals that drilling engineers have a hard time believing his technology does not use the costly drilling mud they depend on. But, he explains, with a gyrotron, high-temperature physics will replace the mechanical functions of low-temperature mud, allowing drillers to extract rock matter through vaporization or displace the melt through pressurization. Similarly, the high temperature melted rock will seal the walls of the borehole, and the high pressure from the increased temperature will prevent collapse. In principle, because an increase in temperature in a confined volume will always result in an increase in pressure over local pressure, drillers could maintain the stability of a borehole to greater depths than possible with drilling muds.
Renouard describes himself as the "furthest thing from an engineer," but that "the Lord needed somebody dumb enough not to know that (the Village Drill) wouldn’t work."
Noticeably missing from the CES 2013 launch was the GT range. In the UK, at least, the GT range has been our favourite, neatly balancing picture quality and features against price.
The risk of penile cancer is very much higher if a man is uncircumcised [54, 77]. Many of the conditions above predispose to penile cancer. For example, meta-analyses found phimosis increases risk of penile cancer 12-fold (8 studies), balanitis 3.8-fold (4 studies) and smegma 3.0-fold (4 studies) [54]. These conditions are more common in or restricted to uncircumcised men. At least half of all penile cancers contain high-risk HPV types [78, 79] and these can be an important predisposing factor [54]. A meta-analysis [53, 54] and data from RCTs [60, 80–85] have shown that MC protects against HPV infection. A very conservative meta-analysis noted that there were two-thirds fewer penile cancer cases in men circumcised in childhood [77]. It found the protective effect of MC may be greater for invasive than in situ penile cancer [77]. Because of lead-time bias and earlier diagnosis in a circumcised man, it was stated that the analysis was likely to have under-estimated the true protective effect of circumcision [77]. An association found between adult MC and penile cancer could be due to the fact that MC when performed in adulthood is frequently to remove cancerous lesions or to treat conditions such as phimosis and recurring balanoposthitis that themselves are associated with predisposition to penile cancer. Therefore the association does not necessarily imply that delaying MC to adulthood increases the risk of penile cancer.
Mineral Reserve estimates follow the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum ("CIM") definitions standards for Mineral Resources and Reserves and have been completed in accordance with the Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Reported tonnage and grade figures have been rounded from raw estimates to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate. Minor variations may occur during the addition of rounded numbers. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The 2019 Resource estimate is based on a 0.5 g/t Au cut-off grade. The Updated 2019 Mineral Resource has an effective date of February 8, 2019 and is constrained by a conceptual $1,500/oz Pit Shell. The Qualified Person for the Kalana Main Resource Estimate is Geoff Booth, FAusIMM, Mining Consulting Manager, Snowden Mining Consultants. The Qualified Person for the Kalanako Estimate is Helen Oliver, FGS, CGeol, Endeavour Mining. The Qualified Person for the Tailings Resource is Ivor Jones FAusIMM, Principal, Denny Jones Pty Ltd. For additional notes relating to the 2019 Resource Estimates, please consult the section below entitled "Kalana Resource Modelling".
Last April, nine people were killed outside a middle school in north-western China, allegedly by a former student seeking revenge for bullying.
Descended from a line of avant-garde composition that extends from minimalists such as Terry Riley on down through the psych-noise freakouts of Boredoms, Lightning Bolt’s music isn’t just overwhelming and intense, but proficient and impeccably executed. That’s maybe not apparent from the first listen to any track on their best album, 2003’s Wonderful Rainbow. But keep this in mind: All of that sound is coming from just two guys — bassist Brian Gibson and drummer Brian Chippendale. On “2 Towers,” the Rhode Island duo crafts an awe-inspiring epic that thrives on both repetition and heavy doses of fuzz. At first it’s disorienting. Then it’s hypnotic. Then it’s playful. In the end, however, it’s triumphant, pummeling and throbbing its way into an expression of pure joy.
Safety+Health magazine, published by the National Safety Council, offers comprehensive national coverage of occupational safety news and analysis of industry trends to 86,000 subscribers.
Drilling is generally carried out in two stages, the first to install the permanent casing and then the final drilling to completion depth. In cases where there is some uncertainty about the geology, a field geologist should be on hand to determine where casings should be set and the final completion depth.
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