Preserving value during deconstruction | Borehole Hammer

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Future studies are planned to investigate whether deep-sea cables can also be used for seismic measurements. The scientists are optimistic. They think that the cables on the sea floor will detect submarine earthquakes, ground motions of tectonic plates, and also variations of the water pressure. Thus, the new method will help seismologists as well as oceanographers.

Thus risk in an uncircumcised male of developing a condition requiring medical attention over their lifetime = 1 in 2

Listeners who have discovered Swans through their second act were treated to a vastly different band than the one that carved out their niche in the ’80s. Aside from Michael Gira, the sole permanent member of Swans, there was literally a completely different lineup of people behind their sprawling post-rock soundscapes. But this latest version of Swans also has moved away from the direct application of sledgehammer rhythms and assembly-line abrasion of their earlier, industrial-noise creations. By the mid ’80s, Gira and company refined their sound somewhat, having reshaped the no-wave noise of their first two LPs into the kind of grinding filth that might actually compel someone to dance — maybe not the average person, but someone. “A Screw (Holy Money),” in both its album version and remixed 12″ version, put that idea to the test, Gira’s menacing mutter largely overshadowed by the tuneless drone and thumping percussion. It’s Branca disco, a hit single for and from people that don’t acknowledge such things.

Je le trouve sublime cette écran et vais patienter tranquillement que les prix baisses car la c’est quand même un peut fort de café une tv a 8000 euros …

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All samples were transported by road to ALS in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso or in Kumasi, Ghana, or to the BIGS Global Burkina SARL Laboratory in Ouagadougou in secured, poly-woven bags.

Gamebreaker: Jack Nowell – the fisherman’s son will be trawling for scores of tries again this year. But it is the work of the ball that the Cornishman does that is perhaps more impressive. Fresh from a Lions tour the 24-year-old is one the most influential wings in the world and will only get better.

As shown in Appendix 3, the variance in P&P reserves and M&I resources compared to the previous year mainly corresponds to mining depletion and an update in unit cost assumptions for the reserve calculation.

Production increased significantly as 2018 benefited from a full year of production since commercial production began in Q4-2017.

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Just over a century ago in Ludwigshafen, Germany, a scientist named Carl Bosch assembled a team of engineers to exploit a new technique in chemistry. A year earlier, another German chemist, Fritz Haber, hit upon a process to pull nitrogen (N) from the air and combine it with hydrogen (H) to produce tiny amounts of ammonia (NH₃). But Haber’s process was delicate, requiring the maintenance of high temperatures and high pressure. Bosch wanted to figure out how to adapt Haber’s discovery for commercial purposes — as we would say today, to “scale it up.” Anyone looking at the state of manufacturing in Europe around 1910, Bosch observed, could see that the task was daunting: The technology simply didn’t exist.

“River water needs to be put through a filtration and ultraviolet light system to make it drinkable.

It may now be that another gas — carbon dioxide (CO₂) — can be removed from the air for commercial purposes, and that its removal could have a profound effect on the future of humanity. But it’s almost certainly too soon to say for sure. One sunny morning last October, several engineers from a Swiss firm called Climeworks ambled onto the roof of a power-generating waste-incineration plant in Hinwil, a village about 30 minutes outside Zurich. The technicians had in front of them 12 large devices, stacked in two rows of six, that resembled oversize front-loading clothes dryers. These were “direct air capture” machines, which soon would begin collecting carbon dioxide from air drawn in through their central ducts. Once trapped, the CO₂ would then be siphoned into large tanks and trucked to a local Coca-Cola bottler, where it would become the fizz in a soft drink.

As shown in Appendix 3, the variance in P&P reserves compared to the previous year is primarily due to mining depletion at the Vindaloo deposit while the M&I resource increased due to the 987koz maiden resource outlined at the Kari Pump discovery.

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