Adults do not fit through the shaft and machinery has hit an obstruction of strong material that is about two-thirds down the vertical hole. It is not known if the boy is even alive. - Ity CIL project first gold pour expected in early Q2-2019, following which the Group is expected to be net cash ...Read more »
The group’s board has recommended is recommending the payment of a final dividend for the year of 1 cent per ordinary share. Washington — Workers who frequently drill concrete can experience reduced exposure to noise, silica dust and vibration if pneumatic rock drills are replaced with electric r...Read more »
Epiroc evolved from the global split in January 2018 of Atlas Copco into two separate companies and comprises the Mining & Rock Excavation Technique Business Area and Construction Tools division to focus on the mining and civil engineering sectors. The industrial businesses remain with Atlas ...Read more »
“Instead of scraping the rock, as does the fishtail bit, the Hughes bit, with its two conical cutters, took a different engineering approach,” explained ASME in 2009 — when designating it as an Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark. Production increased as guided, despite a lower processed gra...Read more »
Dennis is run for the benefit of the Heart of England Forest, a registered charity dedicated to planting tomorrow’s great native woodland one tree at a time. Negative emissions can be thought of as a form of time travel. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, human societies have produced an exces...Read more »
The original Martian drill, an ultrasonic percussive design, was tested in 2016 in Antarctica, which is often used for as a proxy for research of more far-flung places off the planet. That machine was designed to work in the low gravity of Mars, which makes it tough to apply enough force to bore ...Read more »
Steel Package — Save up to $600 from Rush River Steel and Trim towards a Steep Package! 2 available The criteria for classification follows the CIM Definition Standards 2014 and is based on a minimum of five samples within 50 m from at least three holes for Indicated Mineral Resources and three s...Read more »
“The exploration industry is cyclical in nature, driven by movements in the commodity prices of base and precious metals. Therefore our focus has always been on the production mining and other market sectors such as waterwell, geothermal and construction drilling, which are less cyclical and prov...Read more »
Azad Foundation’s Women on Wheels programme helps them to take up driving as a profession. What better way to … None of this is rocket science, which helps explain a paradox of most conversations with scientists, ecologists and charity-workers who have devoted their lives to solving the wor...Read more »