It’s a Frankenstein like you’ve never seen before, and even when guys try – the results are usually dismal. In this case, however, progress appears to be well underway as two 1JZ Supra motors are married together (and acting more like cylinder heads with cylinder heads) and it doesn’t look like t...Read more »
Je n’ai jamais dénigré l’OLED LG. Au contraire, j’ai loué leur démarche courageuse sur l’OLED pas mal de fois sur ce forum. Je relaie juste le constat de certains calibreurs pro qui ont eu les deux TV entre les mains et c’est tant mieux si une autre marque arrive à faire mieux : La qualité augmen...Read more »
Dejected, Marty calls it an inauspicious beginning, noting, “I hate to say, ‘typical Oak Island,’ but I’m gonna say, ‘typical Oak Island!’” OUT: Darren Allinson (Bath Rugby), Gerard Ellis (Dragons Rugby), Luke Narraway (Coventry) Jerry Sexton (Jersey Reds) Jebb Sinclair, Joe Trayfoot, Tevita Kolo...Read more »
Atlas Copco Secoroc’s COP 66 hammer and its new platform design represent real innovation in down the hole drilling. So, since 2014, two-thirds of the tap water and one-third of the total water supply in Beijing, in the arid north, has come by canal and pipeline from a reservoir 1,400km to the so...Read more »
“Stimulation is the process of generating micro-vibrations in the bedrock. The underground geophone network enables us to monitor the flow of water in the bedrock precisely, while ensuring that the micro-vibrations remain within the limits prescribed by public authorities,” Saarno explained. The...Read more »
Having worked in the independent water supply industry for over 25 years, Envireau has worked on projects involving new and historic boreholes all over the UK and across the globe; yet often, the most surprising aspect upon arriving at a new site for the first time is to learn how little a compan...Read more »
The MREs for Kalana Main and Kalanako have been updated with the recent Endeavour exploration results. The MREs have utilised the IAMGOLD (2010-12) and SOMIKA (2012-15) exploration results. The drilling and sampling protocols are largely the same and are considered to be suitable for use in a MRE...Read more »
“This rainy season has had varying patterns where the northern part is experiencing abnormal rainfall while here (Southern province), a drought has affected the crop, so we will be doing more of relief food distribution and also find other ways of managing problems caused by the varying weather p...Read more »
The flow of water pumped into the borehole through the bedrock fissures will be closely monitored. The water pressure will enlarge the fissures, with geophones detecting micro-vibrations that reveal the direction in which the water is passing through the bedrock. Several geophones have been insta...Read more »