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Watching only gauges can be self-defeating, because, by the time they register an anomaly, something significant already has happened in the ground. Hissem talks of the old days when drill operators were exposed to the heat and cold and dust and noise. “Then we got cabs and old-timers didn’t like it, even though they were more comfortable, because it cut them off from sensory information.” So-called “smart drills” are being developed with onboard intelligence and systems that will separate operators even more from the “feel” of operation. Until such machines dominate drill sites, operators should keep sensing the pulse of their machines. They should actively monitor such things as the flushing action, any pitch changes in the drill string, subtle movements that indicate a change in rock pressure, the size of cuttings, and groundwater. Hissem believes a master driller can fully develop this “sixth sense” in a couple of years.

The scientists sent pulses of laser light through an optical fibre, which was part of a 15 kilometer long cable deployed in 1994, within the telecommunication network on Reykjanes peninsula, SW Island, crossing a well-known geological fault zone in the rift between Eurasian and American tectonic plates. The light signal was analyzed and compared to data sets from a dense network of seismographs. The results amazed even experts: "Our measurements revealed structural features in the underground with unprecedented resolution and yielded signals equaling data points every four meters," says Philippe Jousset from the GFZ. He adds: "This is denser than any seismological network worldwide." After presenting preliminary ideas at several conferences since 2016 Philippe was told that the new method was a ‘game changer for seismology’. Although the method is not new in other applications (it is used for years in boreholes for reservoir monitoring), the team is the first worldwide that carried out such measurements along the surface of the ground for seismological objectives, and with such a long cable.

While the base parallels do very little for me, I did like the look of the 60th Anniversary parallel. The red foil and Refractor-like design is very captivating.

It makes perfect sense that noise rock’s roots are largely American. The United States is a noisy country — it’s chaotic and violent, rude and seemingly always at war. And yet pop culture is one of its biggest exports, which appealed to Australian post-punks the Birthday Party. Newly relocated to London in the early ’80s, Nick Cave and company grew disappointed with the lackluster sounds of the UK scene at the time, instead taking inspiration from lowbrow Americana, creating a trash-culture caricature of a “Big Jesus oil king down in Texas” with this brutal vamp. Cave screams like a man possessed, Rowland S. Howard dials in a guitar tone that’s something like a file scraping against sheet metal, and the sickliest saxophone in the world cuts through the punk-blues spar session like a tainted syringe through a blow-up doll. It’s wretched and raucous, just like America.

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Gold mineralisation at Kalanako has been modelled at a threshold of 0.2 ppm Au with a minimum thickness of three metres down-the hole (equivalent to two metres vertically) into 34 wireframes (of which six represent two-thirds of the total mineralised volume). The mineralised wireframes are considered to be a single domain and have an average thickness of seven metres.

“Automatic hammers help to ensure accurate depth control compared to manual hammers. This has even led some states and jurisdictions to require automatic hammers for conducting standard penetration tests,” said Joe Haynes, Little Beaver president. “The LST1G+HDA eliminates user error and makes it easy for drill operators of any experience level to take samples quickly and accurately.”

- Non-sustaining capital spending from continuing operations increased by $26 million in 2018 over 2017 mainly due to an increase at Agbaou for waste capitalization activities and the addition of the Hounde mine.

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Then again, the other scenario is that the vibro hammer causes a catastrophic cave in. According to Lucido, the good news is that the collapse appears to be an isolated event. The bad news? There’s no guarantee that something bigger is not brewing.

In parallel to working on the Kalana Feasibility Study and further testing of exploration potential, Endeavour intends to review its other available internal growth opportunities. Based on Endeavour’s capital allocation strategy, the Kalana project investment case will be reviewed against its other internal growth opportunities and uses of capital.

IN: Calum Clark (Northampton Saints), Dominic Day (Rebels), Tom Griffiths (Academy), Kieran Longbottom (Sale Sharks), Will Skelton (Waratahs), Hayden Thompson-Stringer (Academy), Christopher Tolofua (Toulouse), Tom Whiteley (Academy), Liam Williams (Scarlets).

When playing 3D films and games, the KDL-40W905A creates a real sense of depth thanks to the vibrant colours and high contrast in darker scenes. Live Colour works best here, as although it pushes the intensity too far for regular viewing, it gives 3D content a pleasant punch. Thankfully, the KDL-40W905A saves image quality settings by pre-set, rather than for the TV as a whole, letting you tweak for Blu-ray, games or broadcast TV without affecting the others.

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