Published: 30th October 2018 10:48 PM | Last Updated: 31st October 2018 08:03 AM | A+A A-
- Net cash used in investing activities during 2018 was $453 million, down $26 million over 2017. Investing activities remained high due to the $267 million growth project capital spend (mainly for Ity CIL construction – reference Note 12 above), increased in sustaining, non-sustaining capital spend and changes in long-term inventories (reference respectively Notes 4, 6 and 9 above), which were partially offset by proceeds received from the sale of Tabakoto (reference Note 13 above).
Since drift competition rules dictate firewall modifications are prohibited, the only way to force the big motor far enough back into the small engine bay to gain a favorable weight distribution was to route the exhaust tubing forward and collect at a single point. As the story goes, the exhaust man came with a stack of pipe one day, and 12 hours later this engineering marvel was fabbed-up and ready for paint prep.
Scratch Acid: A band couldn’t have possibly come up with a more fitting name for the kind of sandpaper-and-sludge mixture that this Austin foursome stirred up. Something like the Birthday Party with a proper American pedigree or the Cramps after diving into a pile of garbage, Scratch Acid turned out a couple of records’ worth of fucked-up punk blues in the mid-’80s, undercutting accessible melodies with bilious vocal performances and trebly guitar shrieks. “Mess” is heavy on both, a twisted rhumba guided by David Yow (later of the Jesus Lizard) at his most disgusting and disgusted, punctuating each chorus with the sounds of coughing, vomiting, and all manner of unpleasantness. It’s a rare talent.
- The identification of a maiden Indicated resource at the Yabonsgo target totalling 2.9Mt at 1.28 g/t Au containing 119koz.
Gamebreaker: Matt Toomua – the Australian centre is a stupendous talent who was robbed of his debut season at Welford by a horrid knee injury. His passing is immaculate and has the playmaking vision to provide the outside backs with plenty of ball. And if he can partner with the ever frustrating Manu Tuilagi…
Atlas Copco Secoroc presents the all-new Secoroc TRB drill bit range – the latest in soft rock drilling. Aimed at production drillers, this unique drill bit offers a greater penetration rate than any other bit – a penetration rate that is also sustainable throughout the bit’s service life.
Last year, when David Keith and his associates at Carbon Engineering published figures projecting that their carbon-capture technology could bring costs as low as $94 a metric ton, Herzog was not convinced. Keith nevertheless made the case to me that two new investors in Carbon Engineering — Chevron Technology Ventures and a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum — scrutinized his company’s numbers to an exhaustive degree and agreed the economics of the venture were solid enough to merit putting up substantial amounts in a $60 million investment round. Both Climeworks founders told me they agreed with Keith’s cost estimates, and saw a similar downward curve for their own technology.
It is instructive to consider here the issue of pain associated with an infant circumcision. In infancy, local anesthesia is effective in reducing or almost eliminating pain during and after circumcision [122], although gauging the level of pain experienced is more subjective than what can be ascertained from communications by older children or men. Of interest is that neonates exhibit lower pain scores than older infants [123]. Their response to pain in general is less when delivered vaginally than by cesarian section [124]. As an aside, early exposure to noxious or stressful stimuli decreases pain sensitivity and behavior in adult life [125, 126]. While there may be some short-term memory of pain [127], no credible study has been conducted into long-term memory of pain experienced in infancy. Irrespective of such considerations we strongly support a recommendation of adequate pain control as being essential during and after a circumcision at any age.
AFTER RATTLING into the hillside outside Jerusalem for 7km, the little three-carriage railway reaches the end of the line, some 300 metres underground. The diminishing speck of light at the tunnel’s opening has long vanished altogether. This, for now, is as far as it goes. The German-Austrian contractor will eventually bore about 13.5km. But progress is fitful, depending on the rock being drilled through and whether it will need some artificial strengthening. The drill has already negotiated one large cave, complete with stalactites, which had to be reinforced with concrete. More such obstacles are expected. The contractor works non-stop, but the average progress made by Isabel, as their “double gripper” boring machine has been named, is just 22 metres a day. As its jaws grind into the wall of rock ahead, conveyor belts carry the rubble out to the tunnel’s opening.
Forest plot showing association between circumcision and penile inflammation in 8 studies [38–45]. The meta-analysis shown does not include an anomalous outlier study [46], which when included led to significant between-study heterogeneity (P = 0.03), but when excluded no significant heterogeneity remained (P = 0.40).
MC does have benefits at later ages, but a man must be willing to avail himself of these by getting circumcised. It is therefore important to examine the acceptability of MC by adult males. In the USA, only 13% of uncircumcised heterosexual men indicated that they would be willing to become circumcised to lower their risk of HIV [108]. In sub-Saharan Africa, however, where HIV is an epidemic, an extensive review of 13 studies found that a median of 65% (range 29-87%) of heterosexual men were willing to be circumcised [101]. Men and women in a Kenyan study exhibited a good understanding of the need to maintain safe sexual practices [109]. In India, of 467 uncircumcised heterosexual men in a high-HIV prevalence region, 93% agreed that men should consider MC for HIV prevention, and 58% would accept free medical MC [110]. Facilitators of acceptability included improved penile hygiene (97%), reduced HIV/STIs (91%), lower risk of penile cancer (90%) and of cervical cancer in their female partner (86%) [110]. In Kenya, perceived improvement in sexual pleasure was a facilitator [109, 111]. In the Dominican Republic willingness was only 29% initially, but after an information session explaining the risks and benefits of the procedure, this figure increased to 67% [102]. Acceptability in Thailand was 14%, rising to 25% after an information session [112]. In a Chinese study, 39% were willing to be circumcised to protect themselves from infection, and 46% would consider it to protect their partner as well [113]. In other samples of mostly heterosexual Chinese men, 41% were willing to be circumcised in one study [114] and 25% in another [115].
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