Energy Pipeline: Making Hole — The Rock Eater | Borehole Hammer

Self-drilling anchor system

Reserves are expected to increase in mid-year as the Kari Pump resource is expected to be converted to reserves following the completion of the on-going metallurgical tests.

For real there shortage of food Even here in central province. Since the first rain we hv never received Rain…GLORY BE TO JEHOVAH

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Production decreased as guided, as low-grade stockpile feed supplemented the mine feed to allow waste capitalization activity to progress quicker in 2018. In addition, mining was constrained to lower grade areas.

Grinding Cup Pin Grinder<br />
 DHD 340 - Kat

Construction is progressing on-budget and two months ahead of schedule with the first gold pour expected in early Q2-2019.

- Mining unit costs decreased from $7.02 to $6.65 per tonne due to shorter haul distances as mining for the heap leach operations winds down.

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- FY-2019 production expected to increase to 615-695koz and AISC expected to remain low at $760-810/oz

Grinding Cup Pin Grinder<br />
 DHD 340 - Kat

Complications and their frequency for medical MC of men in RCTs in South Africa (3.8%, all mild or moderate), Kenya (1.7%, all mild or moderate) and Uganda (4% mild, 3% moderate [breakdown not disclosed] and 1% severe [shown])

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A short-term Gold Revenue Protection Strategy was entered into in early 2018 to protect the company’s cash generation during the Ity CIL construction period, beginning on February 1, 2018 and ending on April 30, 2019. The program consists of a deferred premium collar strategy using written call options and bought put options with a floor price of $1,300/oz and a ceiling price of $1,500/oz. The program initially covered a total of 400,000 ounces and as at December 31, 2018, a total of 107,000 ounces remained. Once these contracts expire, Endeavour will return to a position where its gold production is fully exposed to spot gold prices.

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