- Unlocking Exploration Value – continued to deliver against our 5-year discovery target, with 1.9Moz of M&I resources discovered in 2018, totaling 4.2Moz at a discovery cost of circa $13/oz since the strategy was set in late 2016. In 2018, notable successes include the maiden Indicated resource Kari Pump target at Hounde and at the greenfield Fetekro property of respectively 1.0Moz and 0.5Moz, good results at the Le Plaque area at Ity which are soon expected to yield an increased resource, and greater confidence in the Kalana Main deposit resource.
Emma Bowden A man narrowly avoided being crushed by falling bricks from a collapsing building during the weekend’s strong winds.
Club conundrum: Are they better than Irish? That is pretty much the test this year. Last year they were better than Bristol, the year before they were better than Irish and Newcastle, and stayed up. Their two battles with Irish will define their season. A few scalps otherwise will be very handy. Gold is an experienced operator and has a full season to work his magic – can he do it?
In India, where MC is a mark of religious affiliation, 41% of mostly Hindu men were concerned that MC was not part of their culture, while 30% were afraid of stigma or rejection [110]. MC has historic implications in India, where Muslim men were targeted for violence based on their circumcision status during the Hindu fundamentalist, anti-Muslim pogroms of 2002 and subsequent riots [177]. It has been suggested that MC in India might be more acceptable to STI clinic attendees than others [178].
He said if a consumer gets 300 channels, chances are he does not have time to watch nearly 200 of these channels, but service providers are forced to carry all unwanted channels since aggregators offer them under packages. This is where this scheme will come handy, he added.
United Utilities is planning to introduce harder water into taps across Copeland and parts of Allerdale this weekend.
Production increased significantly as 2018 benefited from a full year of production since commercial production began in Q4-2017.
Je n’ai jamais dénigré l’OLED LG. Au contraire, j’ai loué leur démarche courageuse sur l’OLED pas mal de fois sur ce forum. Je relaie juste le constat de certains calibreurs pro qui ont eu les deux TV entre les mains et c’est tant mieux si une autre marque arrive à faire mieux : La qualité augmente et les prix baisses. Que demander de plus ???
Sebastien de Montessus, President & CEO, stated: "2018 was a successful year for Endeavour during which we beat our production guidance and ended with AISC lower than the guided range, all while maintaining a strong safety record. The first full-year contribution from Hounde, coupled with the successful management of our portfolio, has sustainably decreased our all-in sustaining costs to below our strategic target of $800/oz.
T. Sumner. Antarctic history suggests ice sheet âdangerâ threshold. Science News. Vol. 189, April 2, 2016, p. 10.
Although Panini has absorbed Score and DonRuss and improved the product, I still prefer Topps over Panini.
The crime triggered in Melbourne horror and grief. More than 1000 people, most of them women, took part on Friday in a memorial service on the steps of the Parliament building. A flower-filled tram drove along the route that had taken the victim on his way home.
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